Battle of Jutland

Did you know that on 31 May and 1 June 1916, the fleetsĀ of Britain and Germany engaged in the largest naval battle of the First World War? When the ships of Britain’s Grand Fleet engagedĀ those of Germany’s High Seas Fleet of the coast of Denmark what followed was a battle with the potential to change […]

Battle of Verdun

Did you know that the longest running battle of the First World War began on 21st February 1916? The battle between the French and Germany armies near the fortress city of Verdun lasted for nearly 10 months during 1916 and, by its conclusion, had resulted in over 700,000 casualties. The Fortress City Situated to the […]

How the First World War ended

Did you know that Britain, France and America sent the first proposals for a peaceful settlement with Germany on 5 November 1918? Germany had already made tentative enquires as to the possibility of making peace through America on 4 October 1918. They were particularly interested in making a peace based on President Woodrow Wilson‘s Fourteen […]