Poems by Gillian Read


Deep water filled trenches
Bitter cold, rotting feet
How could they send these young men to their deaths?
They should have been told to retreat
Those men who stayed behind, their hands not used to kill mankind
Safe, they gave their orders, sent young men unto their deaths
Left children without fathers, Mothers so bereft
And so they charged across the hellish battlefield of France
Sergeants shouting orders, ‘Charge boys, we must advance’
And then the Guns fell silent
There they lay, thousands stiff and cold
Never to return home, never to grow old
Never to return home, now ghosts of Wartime battle
Bloodied corpses, their faithful horses
Mown down as never before
Never forget, never again
Was such a senseless war
Oh we so owe them , the greatest debt
Cast your eyes upon a million stars
Each one a brave ghost of the past
Always remembered with love and pride
As the flag flies at half mast
Millions of candles, light the dark
To remember those now gone
Far from the English shores of home
And it’s Mother’s Anthem Song.

By Gillian Read Seaford Sussex copyright 6-8-2014

D Day ……Heroes

70 years Anniversary, of D- Day the guns are loud and clear
As we salute the veterans, who survived the War, still here
Thousands of brave young soldiers, left the shores on boats, to fight
Wrote their loved ones, their last letters, as they sailed into the night
The quiet eerie silence, as they approached the shores of France
Would they survive this battle, did they stand a chance ?
And as the waves on turbulent Seas, washed over the boats of men
They sat thinking of home
Will they see their loved ones again?
Then came the shores of Normandy, and machine gun fire rained
The Seas were filled with thousands dead, with blood the waves were stained
Oh but they bravely battled on and eventually Victory came
Forever remembered, Never forgotten
In our Hearts they will remain

by Gillian Read Seaford  East Sussex copyright 24-6-2014

Poem for the injured soldiers

Please don’t forget the injured
Please don’t forget the injured, these Brave soldiers of the War.
Whose bodies racked with pain, lie still upon the floor
It might have been a hand grenade, or a bullet through the thigh
Please don’t forget the injured, just because they didn’t Die
The Doctors and the nurses, fight to save their lives,
Whilst, the Army send the bad news to their parents  and  their wives
But for most the wait is long, as the doctor’s do their best
To save a severed leg, or to close a shattered chest.
The pain is unimaginable, such pain, that they endure
Skin grafts, to cover burns,  but for some there is no cure
Months of imobility, and of physio, and Pain
Many operations, means many scars, again
Lost limbs, and mental scars, and bodies, burnt, so bad
Their families, lives in tatters, because they are so sad.
P T S, a nightmare, for it scars their traumaered brain,
And many won’t recover, or be the same again
Sheer determination, from Brave soldiers, bring them through.
They dont ask for medals, just rememberance from you
So please, don’t forget the soldiers, injured, but ,still alive
Their wounds might heal, a little
But they Suffered to Survive

By Gillian Read Seaford Sussex copyright 23-6-2014