Indea Cadman-Rivers – Policy Development Officer

Although I would never classify myself as a historian, nor have I ever actively researched the First World War, being involved in this project has been truly interesting. It has been fascinating to understand the, previously underestimated, impact of the war not only on East Sussex, but also the international impact.

I was lent a copy of Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain, an evocative memoir of the ‘Great War.’ Her book, leaden with hindsight, refers to the bitter refrain: “our condemned generation”. I have learnt how the effects of the First World War were so widespread and also the legacy that remains – some positive as well as negative.

Working on this project has allowed us to meet some really interesting and charming people and I hope it allows you to find out more about the history of your community. This is a real opportunity for you to get involved and share your stories, events and explore your local area’s war memorials – a really fun and interactive activity. I was in Barbados recently and even found a First World War memorial there (see picture)!

It has been a real pleasure to work with Dr. Chris Kempshall, and others, on this project and I hope you enjoy discovering the website as much as I did creating it.